Composition of the Book of Mormon

This diagram shows the compilation process of every verse of the Book of Mormon, a book that speaks more of its own editorial process than nearly any other. The text emerged from primary sources at the bottom to the current text at the top. Like an interactive map, you can zoom with your scroll wheel and pan left and right

Editorial process symbols:

Note: This diagram presents sources as they are asserted in the text. While some sources are clearly attested (e.g., the Plates of Zeniff), it is likely that many others were later reconstructed from memory.

Some good sources on the composition of the Book of Mormon:

I am still working on this; I welcome your feedback and suggestions on the content (with sources, please) and the design, although the technology I am using somewhat limits my design choices.

Copyright 1996, 2023 Brandon Plewe

built with vis.js Timeline

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